Sunday, March 28, 2010

KB Workout

Ok Dan, this is for you. I finally got in a decent KB workout today while everyone is napping (mostly).

3 rounds of:
10x 15-15 KB swings (15 sec on - 15 sec off)
10 KB traveling push ups
10 goblet squats
3-2-1 presses
Hip Flexor Stretch

By the end I felt like I was about to lose my grip during the swings. I was wiping my hands after each interval before loading up for the next. The swings really wear you out. Barely made the very last press on the left arm. Could have made it better by doing get-ups, but need to work on my left shoulder strength before I incorporate them into a routine like this.


  1. Sounds like your left shoulder is healing and recovering nicely. The only problem I have is I don't know what these exercises are? (I have not KB experiance, other than to know that some of them are very heavy!) I'll have to look up the following:
    - traveling push ups
    - goblet squats
    - 3-2-1 presses
    - get-ups

    Those 10 sets of 15 seconds on and 15 seconds off sounds like a great way to get the blood (and sweat) flowing right away.

    Sounds like an intense workout Jon!! .. one of those where it's very satisfying .. TO BE DONE!

  2. Traveling KB PU - With a traveling push up you do a pu, then "travel" to the left, do another pu, then "travel" back to the original pos and do another pu, etc.... With a KB push up you have one hand on the KB while you do a pu. So, I put the KB in the middle, did a pu with on hand on the KB, then "traveled" so the other hand was on the KB, did a pu there, and so forth.

    Goblet Squats - Hold the KB between your hands, handle down, and do a squat

    3-2-1 presses, just a ladder, 3 presses with the KB on the left, 3 on the right, 2 on the left, 2 on the right, then 1 L and 1 R

    Getups - not able to describe them here, but involves taking a KB that is on the ground with you lying on the ground and "getting-up" while holding the KB overhead.
