Sunday, March 28, 2010

KB Workout

Ok Dan, this is for you. I finally got in a decent KB workout today while everyone is napping (mostly).

3 rounds of:
10x 15-15 KB swings (15 sec on - 15 sec off)
10 KB traveling push ups
10 goblet squats
3-2-1 presses
Hip Flexor Stretch

By the end I felt like I was about to lose my grip during the swings. I was wiping my hands after each interval before loading up for the next. The swings really wear you out. Barely made the very last press on the left arm. Could have made it better by doing get-ups, but need to work on my left shoulder strength before I incorporate them into a routine like this.

Logest Ride this year, broke 200 for March

Yesterday I did my longest ride of the year so far. It was smidge over 34 miles with nearly 3000 ft of climbing (max grade shows 21%). It was a brutal ride mainly due to the intense winds from the South. I spent most of the time in zone 4 (avg HR was 158) and averaged over 16mph for the first time this year (it seems last year this was where I started – I guess 40 is catching up with me). I keep thinking about 3 State and how close it seems and how far away I am from being ready for it. I hit my max HR (181) turning around and chasing down Jim Matheu after we passed each other on my way out. I figure I can make this ride about 39 miles by heading up to Theta on Gravel Hill Rd, then back up Carters Creek through Burwood. The route up to Theta on Gravel hill will add some more climbing feet too with a couple places where the grades are 17-20+%.

The route is here:

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Moving Forward

I never seem to be able to accomplish all that I want to. For instance, last year I had 600 miles before I rode 3 State. This year I hoped to get 1000 miles in before the ride and set a PR on the time. So far, things aren't looking good.

January 24.1 miles
February 91.0 miles
March 124.2 miles (so far)

I'm heading out in the morning for 20+ before everybody gets up. April is going to have to be a good month if I am going to get 600 in before 3 State on May 1st. Plus I am going to need to get a couple 50 milers in.

You know I find this to be true in other areas of life as well. The plans and hopes and anticipation always seems to be different in reality. The books don't get read, friends don't get followed up with, scripture doesn't get memorized, house projects don't get done, the yard doesn't get mowed, and on and on.

But I am reminded of something I learned in the last year. It's about progress, not perfection. You keep moving forward, you don't give up. Like Edison, you keep going forward even though you figure out 1000 ways to not make the light bulb.

This week moving forward has been made a lot easier by spending time in the Word, in prayer alone and in prayer with my wife.