Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New Climbing Route

I'm one who gets stuck in a rut likes routine. But, I've been learning that routine isn't always good. Just ask any CrossFit or P90x guy about muscle confusion and you will learn how changing it up on a regular basis can actually be good. I've been trying to incorporate some of those elements when I work out, but my default is to go back to what I know.

I did a different morning route this morning. I didn't stop and do burpees or jumping squats every 3 miles. I didn't do a 20 min Kettlebell workout after the ride. It's just a new route. But Wow! I think this one will help me get ready for 3 State. I ended up at almost 22 miles with 1700 feet of climbing and grades topping 18%. Ooooff! My average speed dropped considerably from yesterday.

The software I linked to below guesstimated that I averaged 275 watts. That has got to be off. Everything else I have done tells me I can't generate that kind of power for an hour and a half.

When I looked out my window at 5:15am the roads were dry. It was 36 degrees and it was my last chance to ride this month as temps in the mornings are going to drop into the mid to low 20's for the rest of the week.

A light rain, more of a drizzle really, started to fall after just a few miles. It wasn't bad though, I didn't get soaked. No skunks, coyote's or chickens today, just a bunch of dogs. It was a good solid ride...

Might even become my new routine.

Monday, February 22, 2010


I had a close encounter with a skunk on my morning ride. He ran out in front of me and I skidded to a stop. My back wheel slid out to the right a little bit and my headlights illuminated the little bugger. We stared at each other for a couple seconds and then he hid behind a mail box post. Phew! It could have been a smelly ride home.

A half mile later I saw a coyote running through a field. (I wonder if the cows in the next field knew he was there).

The funniest thing I saw was riding by a house and seeing 20 chickens roosting in a tree. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but it made me laugh.

View the Route